This site contains documents regarding the people enslaved by the George Walker family originally of Burke County, GA through 5 generations of enslavement.
Circa 1750-1865
Since 1750 the George Walker family and his descendants lived throughout East, Middle and Western Georgia creating a vast network of enslaved families and kin communities.
They acquired lands in different counties as the state opened new territories through treaties thus creating new economic opportunities using enslaved labor.
The site is organized by tabs starting with George Walker I and his children. Each tab lists the descendants and links to various documents.
This is a snapshot of the various documents to be found on this site. These documents can never express the full and complete life each of these individuals lived. The love and joy, sadness, quirks. Each person bringing a unique perspective to the world regardless of their status in bondage. Never lose sight of their humanity.
***All records are linked to their original source through familysearch.org. This is free website you just need to create a log in/username.
“No man can put a chain about the ankle of his fellow man without at last finding the other end fastened about his own neck.”
— Frederick Douglass

All inquires are warmly and spiritually welcomed.